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Stretch Through the Pandemic 

Stretching can reduce the amount of pain perceived by the brain, lengthen short muscles, increase range of motion at a joint, and reduce your chances of injury. If you have a good stretching routine, you are less likely to suffer from pain caused by muscle imbalances.

PILATES with @HBS Pilates

Body Revival has teamed up with Hannah, a fellow physiotherapy doctoral student and pilates instructor with years of experience, to provide you with a pilates video to help you train at home.

I am so EXCITED for you to get the chance to take part in one of Hannah’s classes!! And for you to get time to concentrate on building your core strength, balance, and stability.


Don’t worry, this is suitable for beginners.

Hannah has given up her time to provide you with this hour long session. So, please return the kindness by giving her facebook page and instagram a like or follow!

 About Hannah

Coming from an exercise rehabilitation background and now studying a doctorate in physiotherapy, my studies have always been related to movement and exercise. I enjoyed attending Pilates classes for a number of years before I worked in a lovely clinic where the physiotherapists used Pilates as part of their treatment for example for back pain so was even more keen to do my training. I completed my diploma in mat Pilates last year and have taught 1:1, small groups and now online.

Playlist options (first one is more chilled)

Videos 1-6 focus on lower body

Video 1 & 2: brief overview

Stretches for the Hip

There are a number of stretches shown in this video (part 1 + 2). Please take your time doing and pause the video when required.

Hold each stretch for 30 seconds. For best results, repeat the stretches everyday. You will notice the difference within a few weeks.

And excuse the holy hedgehog slippers !

Video 3, 4, 5, & 6: class style warm up and stretches

Stretches for the muscles of the knee joint, ankle joint, & joints of the feet.


Video 3: lower body warm up

Video 4: stretches for the muscles of the calf and knee


Video 5: ankle and foot warm up and stretches


Video 6: stretches for the muscles of the ankle and foot joints  (continued)

NEW Video 7: Stretches for the Upper Body

Class style (around 30 mins) with music

NEW Video 8: Stretches for the Upper Body

Class style (around 30 mins) without music

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